Helping Families for 25+ Years

Is Your Spouse Hiding Assets in Your Divorce Case?

If you and your spouse are facing the possibility of divorce, it is essential you remain aware and vigilant about your shared finances. While you may not expect it from your spouse, many people become vengeful at the end of a marriage and attempt to hide assets in a divorce case because they don’t want their ex-spouse to have access to anything now that the relationship is over.

Many people make the common mistake in believing their spouse would never do that, or that their spouse isn’t wealthy enough to feel the need to hide assets. Both of these things are untrue--our Rocklin divorce lawyers at Myers Family Law have seen the most unimaginable scenarios when it comes to money and divorce.

If you are concerned your spouse may be hiding assets from you, the following are common signs to look out for:

  • Your spouse is in complete control of all finances
  • He or she asks you to sign financial documents without proper time to examine them
  • There is a sudden change in how often you see financial statements
  • Money is missing
  • Expenses unexpectedly rise, such as debt
  • Your spouse is suddenly quite private about finances, such as owning a P.O. box
  • Income decrease
  • Unusually large purchases are made, which can be sold later
  • Multiple cell phones
  • Frequent trips to countries with relaxed banking laws

Timing is critical in detecting any of the above, in which you must immediately attempt to put a stop to it by reaching out to a Rocklin divorce lawyer immediately, to ensure you aren’t taken advantage of.

Contact Us

At Myers Family Law, we are dedicated to making sure you aren’t treated unfairly during the divorce process. Our legal team understands just how contentious these situations can be, which is why we are aggressive in our approach while remaining compassionate for what must be an incredibly difficult time for you and your family. While you may believe you can handle the divorce process on your own, you will need the help of an experienced and strongminded Rocklin divorce attorney to fight for justice on your behalf.

To speak to a representative of our firm, please don’t hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience by calling (916) 634-0067.
